On Health

Touhid Kamal
12 min readMar 29, 2019

What your greatest treasure? Money? That’s very surface level. Dig deep. Relationships? you’re close. But If you think from a very fundamental perspective? Yes, its very easy. It’s your health. Your health is your greatest treasure. The sensory experiences (hear, feel, see, taste, smell) that initiates your primary activities are all originated within the body. Therefore, to Not take care of the body is to reject your life.

Most people die today out of Cancer, heart diseases or diabetes than war. Most people die from overeating than out of hunger. What does it tell you? We are in the other end of the extreme.

Let’s move out of this context.

Let’s choose to think that you are health-conscious right now, at this moment. What would you eat? That’s the basis right? If you look at million years of human evolution, our body has ate seeds, nuts, grasses, herbs, roots, fruits, vegetables and uncooked cereals most of the time; water being the natural digestive. Do you think we can adapt so easily with sugar, sweets, biscuits, sweet chocolate, coffee, cigarettes, alcohol, vinegar, pharmaceutical drugs, chemicals, pesticides and preservatives? Carbohydrates that have zero nutritional value (white rice, white flour, white sugar, pasta)

What do you do then when you experience pain when you have gastric problems, digestive problems, fever? You go for the ‘fix’. the short term of fix of medications. Does it help? No. The most far-from-natural food eating societies have the highest incidence of Cancer, Diabetes, Multiple Sclerosis, Chronic Fatigue, BBS. Who are these societies? Most of the world.

I don’t want to get into details here, but just want to point this out, that even if in the course of time drugs were being marketed as something essential and provides value for the common people who were dying an early death; capitalism is killing the good nature of it. If you are selling medications to keep people coming back for more treatments and more drugs, that’s not worth it. But its up to your moral values to decide. Smoking and alcohol is the biggest killer, and its publicly accepted and advertised. That must give you some food for thought to contemplate more about drugs.

So the question inevitably comes, WHAT CAUSES DIS-EASE?

Some people tell me that GERMS causes disease. however, I really like this example. If we sealed our freezer and unplugged it for two weeks and opened it back again, what would we see? Mold, bacteria, germs all lurking around. The question is where did they come from? They couldn’t sneak in because the door was already locked. Then how come? The answer is…they were always there. The environment changed so much that these germs became like this.

Isn’t germs living inside our body as well? Isn’t our body an environment itself as well? If you agree, don’t you feel bad, when you are overstressed? Don’t you feel imbalanced after eating a whole lot of unhealthy food rightafter?

So, the reality is unhealthy lifestyle is the root cause of disease in our health. so, the best way to get rid of any disease and any short-term fix medication is to change your health.

But how do you change your health? The “New Biology” suggests that the quality of our life is determined by the quality of our cells.

Let it sink for a moment. What is the most precious in our life? Health. What is health? Health is energy. And energy is life. So where does energy and life comes from? The cells in our body, because they are the ones who are creating energy within us.

Essentially, the cells in our body creates energy when there is a balance of 5 things in our body. They are 1. Oxygen 2. Water 3. nutrients 4. Mindset 5. Alkalinity (pH balance).

  1. Oxygen- the most important cellular element. If you don’t give cells the oxygen they need, you die. As simple as that. Research shows a direct correlation between a person’s health and the level of oxygen in their bloodstream. Dr. Otto Warburg who won the nobel prize in Medicine, discovered that cancer cells do not breathe oxygen. On the contrary, cancer cells grow where there is a relative lack of oxygen. So if you are living in a oxygen deprived area, and most of the people around you are affected by degenerative diseases as Diabetes, heart diseases, arthritis, here’s your link. Get out of that place because it is oxygen deprived. However, in the meantime, slow and deep breath is the key to live there. Inhale slowly, keep it inside for 4 seconds at least and then exhale slowly. You can also do any kind of aerobic exercise (running, swimming, bicycling, hiking, spinning, dancing) to keep your health on the go.

2. Water- where I am living right now is facing an Water crisis. Dams and rivers are drying up and people are actually expressing their gratitude for water. Water is life. Period. Water carries our all the waste out of your body, and if you don’t drink enough, your body has to recycle the dirty water and you cannot operate as efficiently. If you drink coffee, diet sodas, beer, wine and think you are consuming water, you are actually dehydrating your body more as those drink are diuretics — the quality that causes you to lose water. So how much should you be drinking? At least half of your body weight in pounces. Say, if you weigh 200 pounds, you should be drinking at least 100 ounces. No you won’t be running to the toilet all the time, your body adjusts after a couple of weeks.

3. Nutrients: American medical association published that 85% of all major diseases — diabetes, heart disease, stroke, cancer, high blood pressure, obesity, liver disease — are mostly diet related. So which diet actually has nutrients, that might leave us full of nutrients and not cause diseases? Are those essential nutrients come from sugar, meat, Coca Cola, Hershey’s? To be honest, we are nutritionally starved, and food markets are operated based on economics, not by science.

Therefore, you are actually what you eat. If you want to live, you should eat food that are alive. So which food is alive? Uncooked, organic vegetables and fruits, raw nuts and seeds, grasses, and sprouted grains and seeds of all kinds (Alfalfa, flax, sesame, sunflower etc.) Research says, these food should make up about 70–80% of your diet.

But then the question is, if raw, uncooked foods are really that healthy and would make up for most of the diseases that we still have today, why are we still cooking them? Just because its tasty? yes, definitely so. People all over the world have traded along sea, fought wars for spices just to make their food a little bit tastier than before. However, the problem with cooked food is that it produces a lot of toxicity within the body, and kills the enzymes that should help our body with digestion. The taste is there, but the nutrients are the sacrifice. The most anti-oxidant and nutritious foods include avocados, dark green vegetables, cucumbers, broccoli, artichokes, black raspberries, blueberries, strawberries, almonds, flax seeds, hemp seeds, sunflower seeds, pumpkin seeds, chlorella, and cereal grasses such as wheatgrass and barley grass. By making these diets as a major portion of your diet, you can protect yourself from cancer, heart disease, diabetes and other most common form of serious diseases.

Destructive addictions:

Sugar is an addictive drug, and sad but truth, these evolutionary psychology of sugar is actually being used against us by bad capitalism to make us hooked into Nutella, Hershey’s and all other sweet stuff. Inevitably it compounds, and results in diabetes, heart disease, toothy and gum decay, mental disturbances and obesity.

Alcoholic is a depressant – it depresses the human cell. It breaks the body down and leads to a inflammation of the pancreas.

Caffeine – the second most popular addiction after sugar. Slowly and gradually caffeine saps your natural sense of vitality. The perceived energy that you feel after drinking a hot cup of coffee, it is actually the body’s struggle in neutralizing the more than 200 acids that come with the coffee. Other possible consequences are: high blood pressure, high cholesterol, digestive problems, restlessness, anxiety, and headaches. Know any avid coffee drinker? Ask them or ask yourself. I am sure you will definitely finds traces of these symptoms.

Nicotine – one of the highest people killing drugs today. You cannot smoke and be healthy. Period.

There are 3 poisons that you must eliminate if you want to live healthy and die a natural death.

Poison 1: Processed fats (hydrogenated or partially hydrogenated fats or oil) mostly found in margarine, fried foods, cookies, crackers and cakes (commercial baked goods). Why? because they increase the shelf life of the food. These fats clog the arteries that feed the heart and the brain, leading to heart attack and stroke. Their substitute are the natural fats. Essential fats like Omega-3 and Omega-6 are largely misunderstood in our society where the conception is, “fat will make us fat“. but they are like oils in our cars. They work as transporters of nutrients in our whole body. These good fats can be gathered from fish oils or plant sources such as avocados, almonds, walnuts, flax, pumpkin, hemp, sesame and sunflower seeds.

Poison 2: Big surprise, but study after study has shown that meat, eggs and milk are associated with significant increases of chronic degenerative diseases. Very simply put, if your country thrives on meat, your country has the highest rate of heart diseases and cancer. Dr. T Colin Campbell mentions, “In the next 10 to 15 years, one of things you’re bound to hear is that animal protein is one of the most toxic nutrients of all that can be considered”. Although we really enjoy our meat, we forget to consider that, meat contains livestock antibiotics, growth hormones, anti-parasite drugs and other medicines. These drugs are passed directly onto the consumers of their dairy and meat. SO where do we get our protein? Plant-based diet offers a load of sources for protein. Amazingly, our bodies create 70% of the protein within. Therefore, if we eat a variety of fruits, vegetables, whole grains and legumes we have enough. Most diseases are initiated by continuous overdose of protein to be honest. Excess protein creates nitrogen in our body, and nitrogen makes us feel tired. But that’s not all; when an animal dies, its natural osmotic pressure disappears and putrefactive germs contained in the colon flood its system. These putrefactive germs tenderize the meat during the aging process. Our body can deal with about 6 grains of Uric acid in one day. But an average piece of meat contains 16 grains, and over time it causes gout and arthritis in our body. Moreover, while it takes 25 gallons of water to produce a pound of wheat, it requires 2500 gallons of water to produce a pound of meat. So if you see drought, water scarcity somewhere, look at the amount of livestock they have as well.

Paul McCartney once said, “if anyone wants to save the planet, all they have to do is just stop eating meat. That’s the single most important thing you could do”

Poison 3: another surprise, milk. It’s very simple to understand but hard to admit because of our habit that, nature created human mother’s milk for baby humans and cow mother’s milk for baby cows and so on. Drinking milk is promoted to be the “perfect food.” However Dr. William Ellis who studied the effects fo dairy foods for more than four decades, concludes that, adult who use milk products do not absorb nutrients as well as adults who don’t. Milk and milk products have a great ability to neutralize hydrochloric acid which aids to the digestion of our food intake. Moreover, these products tend to generate excessive mucus in the intestines, sinus and lungs, therefore resulting in poor absorption. Another problem is that, cow’s milk is very high in protein, which makes the blood to become very acidic. And to buffer this, the body pulls off the calcium right out of our bones, a process known as calcium leaching. According to Susan Stockton, author of “The Book of Health”: “A major reason that we become calcium deficient is that we take in too much protein (including dairy product) which causes an over-acid condition, necessitating the robbing of body’s storehouse (bones and other tissue) to buffer the acidity with an alkaline mineral, calcium.”

If you want strong bones, don’t drink milk. How do you get strong bones then? physical exercise is the most important. Eliminate animal protein. Eat plenty of fruits and vegetables.

4. Mindset: Surprisingly, good physical health is strongly impacted by a good mind. Although it is hard to measure just yet, however, there is in fact a direct correlation between thoughts, emotions and illness. We can make ourselves healthy or sick through our thoughts and emotional reactions to those thoughts. For example, the power of perception. If we look at the witchcraft rituals over periods of time, people didn’t die because of witchcraft, but the belief that they will die because of witchcraft. But how do we deal with it? If you feed yourself positive energy, keep yourself surrounded by positive people, you are bound to be happy, healthy and energized all the time. One most famous example is from “laughter therapy” from the life of Norman Cousins who wrote a book called “anatomy of an Illness”. She had a degenerative disease and he was told that he had only one chance in 500 for recovery. He got sick and tired of being sick and tired and one day he stopped all conventional medication and checked himself out of the hospital and booked a hotel room. He spent up to 8 hours a day watching funny movies and had a complete recovery. He literally laughed himself back to health. However, there are some people who laugh miserably, and forces them to make laughter sounds without any initiation for it. I don’t know if that works or will work anytime in the future.

Another point to note that, according to physicists, the physical world is one large sea of energy. Nothing is solid. Everything is fluid and ever changing. If we all are made of energies and vibrating in different frequencies, then the law of attraction should be one of the universal or natural laws of this universe. Whatever you are focusing consciously or unconsciously in your life, you will attract more of it. There are no exceptions. Therefore, we can say that, high vibrations (positive emotions) are consistent with health, and low vibrations (negative emotions) are consistent with disease. For example, when people are emotionally depressed their immune systems become weak. Conversely, have you ever seen someone jubilant and happy but sick with a disease? I want to conclude with that, the better we feel about ourself, it is easier to not get diseases.

4. Alkalinity: What is alkalinity? If you agree that our body is a bio-electrical engine, then this engine runs on electromagnetic current. If we have healthy cells in our body then we produce better electrical charges. But where this electrical charges come from? Research shows that, in order for us to live, there is a delicate chemical balance in our blood which gives the electric force in our body. It is called pH balance and produced by two primary forces — ACID and ALKALINE.

Acidity and alkaline is measured by a pH scale. 0 pH is completely acid and 14 pH is completely alkaline. Therefore, the balance point is 7 pH. If we want to function properly, our body pH has to stay at a constant of 7.36 pH (which is slightly more alkaline). You can always get pH strips from the pharmacy to check how alkalized or acidic your body actually is.

The more acidic our body is, the more we are prone to sickness and diseases. Excessive acid results in clumping blood cells, and weakens them…causing them to die. And the more you compound acid to your body the more your body tries to take from the alkaline reserves (calcium) to maintain a proper pH balance. Additionally, when your blood is more acidic, the body will try to store acid into your fat cells in an attempt to protect your blood and vital organs. Fat will be retained to bind the acid and restrain its flow. Therefore, being overweight is not a fat problem, rather it is an acid problem. In his remarkable book Alkalize or Die, Dr. Theodore Baroody mentions that, over acidity in our body is directly linked to the heart disease, cancer, diabetes, obesity, arthritis, asthma, allergies, skin disorders, indigestion, nausea, tooth and gum diseases. Acidosis is the foundation of all diseases. Just like the freezer example, diseases thrive in a acidosis environment, but can’t survive in an alkaline one. Parasites, fungus, mold, yeast, bad bacterias’ all die in an alkaline environment.

What are the sources of acids in our bodies?

Negative emotions, thoughts, words, actions along with alcohol, vinegar, coffee, smoking, animal protein, cooked oils, sugar, processed foods, refined carbs, stress, lack of sleep, lack of exercise, shallow breathing, chemicals, pollution and radiation all are catalysts to cause acidity in our bodies.

If our body is a fish tank, and the fish are the cells in our body and the water in the tank is blood; how important is the quality of the water in the tank for the health of the fish? if the water is dirty the fish dies. The acidic fluid threatens the same for the health of our cells. Dr. Young describes that to regain our balance we must alkaline our body.

Note: All the ideas are taken from Sarah Price’s book “Hack your Health”.



Touhid Kamal

Reading, writing, listening and speaking all about human behavior. Reach me at kamaltouhid@gmail.com